Im Sommersemester 2020, während die Pandemie sich als weltweite Katastrophe etablierte, entwickelte das Team "Positive News" vom Medienlabor, einem interdisziplinären Projektkurs der JGU Mainz in Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule Mainz, ein interaktives Ausstellungskonzept, welches Fußgängern ermöglichen sollte, an Kultur- und Information teilzuhaben.
Eine Schaufensterausstellung, welche während einer Flutwelle von negativen Nachrichten, die positiven Entwicklungen in der Welt illustrativ durch Installationen, Informationstafeln und Podcast für unterwegs verbreiten soll.
In 2020, while the pandemic was holding the world in its grip, the team of this project created the concept of an interactive exhibition, as part of their work for the media laboratory, a course organised by the JGU Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) and the Hochschule Mainz (University for Applied Sciences Mainz).
Their goal was to create an exhibition that would be able to transport information and interesting ideas, while also adhering to the strict and limiting COVID-19 regulations, that prevented regular exhibitions from being accessible to the people.
The solution we found was to utilize shop windows, and use their decorative space to create an area that illustrates positive news and developments, as well as providing a deeper discussion of those topics in form of a free podcast.
The solution we found was to utilize shop windows, and use their decorative space to create an area that illustrates positive news and developments, as well as providing a deeper discussion of those topics in form of a free podcast.